May 07, 2022

How to Support Women Struggling With Infertility on This Mother’s Day?

5 mins read
How to Support Women Struggling With Infertility on This Mother’s Day?

Mother's day is a time for many women to celebrate being a mother. Whereas, for some women who are struggling to conceive and pregnancy loss, it highlights a big void in their lives.


The get-togethers, flowers, cards, and social media posts will always remind such women of what they have lost or wish to be. 


Also, they choose not to share their infertility journey and desire with those around them. Since they don't want to take away the joy from their loved ones' lives.


Therefore, it becomes very important for us to offer our support to women battling to have kids. We know that we can’t solve their problem but with our kind gestures and emotional consent, we can at least give them hope to stay happy. 


On this mother’s day, we invite you to honour women who are fighting for the wonderful blessing of being able to create a life.


In this article, we are going to share with you some of the best suggestions which you can adapt for someone either you personally know or for a large community. 


Surely, your supportive behaviour will make a massive difference in the survival of those suffering from this unfortunate state.


So let us begin!


1. Have a Conversation With Her - 


Silence can become empty and lonely for such a woman. Instead of feeling hesitant about what if I said any wrong thing, you need to try to have a conversation. 


If you only say one line like this, “I understand this day is hard for you, but I am here to talk about it with you if you would want to communicate with me.” It will drive her to feel much more satisfied that she is not lonely. 


Suppose she is still not comfortable directly sharing with you her struggles. Then, it’s best to wait until she feels good to bring it up with you. 


2. First Listen, Then Speak - 


Always listen to her first about what she is feeling? Before you speak. Do not offer unwanted advice. Your advice may be well-intentioned, but it will only cause hurt to her. 


Rather than, attempt to be an active listener. Let her heart out and then try to give helpful advice.


3. Acknowledge Her Bad Experience -  


You may not know what it feels like, but you can try to realize the same way as her about how it may feel to be childless on a mother’s day. 


You can console her by saying, “I can understand and see how hard this is for you.” Maybe this is all she needs to hear from you and will feel better then.


4. Provide a Distraction - 


You can invite your friend to do something which is not a baby focused on mother’s day. Instead of offering her to attend any family gathering, you can make some adult-only plans. Those places where pregnant women and children are not supposed to be. 


Hence, she will not be able to see reminders of babies and happy families everywhere she goes. You can plan things like going for a hike, capture drinks on a patio, BBQ in your backyard, etc.


6. Be Sensitive - 


You can be excited about your other friend’s pregnancy, but it will be good not to share this news with your friend who is struggling hard to conceive. This news will be too painful to hear for her. 


If you are pregnant and want to ultimately tell your friend who wants kids. Do not shock or surprise her with the news. She will indeed feel bad if she gets the information from any social media and at a surprise reveal party. 


Be sensitive and try to tell her in a safe environment directly without interference from any third source. This way, she will also understand the news without any hurt.


7. Send a Thoughtful Note - 


You can send a letter, a text, or an email and let your loved one know that you are thinking about her on this special day. Despite the fact that this is likely to provoke a lot of emotion in her. 


In the end, she will understand why you did this. By just knowing that you have made time to think about her, she will feel better and appreciate your effort.


8. Be Understanding - 


If she declines your mother’s day celebration invitation and you know why she is not celebrating, then be supportive towards her. 


9. Give Support in Finding the Best Infertility Treatment Doctor -


You can make a list of the best infertility treatment hospitals and gynaecologists and give it as a present to help your friend on mothers day who is dealing with this disease. 


Maybe she can feel sad about receiving this on this special day. But also, this gesture from your side may give her hope and will make her an easy path. 


Further, if you already know any famous specialists in treating infertility then you can make a direct appointment for your friend and advise her to meet the expert. 


10. Work as a Mediator - 


If your friend wants you to clarify to other friends or family why she has removed her name and not participating in mother’s day occasions. Then, you should respect her choice and work as a mediator and explain to all others why she is not celebrating.


11. Advice Her to Meet a Therapist in Case of any Mental Depression 


Most of the time, it happens that women who have been trying for a long time to conceive become mentally depressed and give up on all hopes, especially on a specific day like mother’s day. 


On this day, she will not evolve in any celebrations and become sadder. So you can advise her to go on therapy sessions instead of becoming a part of any gatherings. 


This is the place where she will figure out that she is not alone in this painful circumstance, but there are also other women dealing with infertility.


Additionally, while talking to the therapist, she can easily share her hurt. The expert will help her to come out from depressing thinking and give her hope that she can conceive with medical help.


Conclusion - 


Hope you will love this article and the tips we have shared in it. These suggestions are organized here for you so that you can support those women who are dealing with the pain of not being able to become a mother. 


Thus, without wasting more time, make this upcoming mother’s day happier for your loved ones who are trying to have a baby for a long time. In case of any queries comment us we will surely help you with your questions.

Ravi K Nair
Ravi K Nair
Content Writer
First, a disclaimer – the entire process of writing a blog post often takes more than a couple of hours, even if you can type eighty words per minute and your writing skills are sharp writing a blog post often takes more than a couple.
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