November 10, 2022

Common Reasons For Not Getting Pregnant

5 mins read
Common Reasons For Not Getting Pregnant

Almost all couples hope to start a family. They imagine getting pregnant and raising a child to the best of their abilities. But occasionally, a medical condition or a change in lifestyle might make it difficult or impossible to conceive. This article will provide you with a thorough understanding of the potential causes of infertility in women.


Primary Reasons for Not Getting Expectant


If you've been attempting for a long without success and you're troubled by the question "why am I not getting pregnant," here are some potential causes:


Absence of a Healthy Sex Life


Surprisingly, this is one of the major causes for not conceiving. The ideal time to make love is one to two days before the fertile phase of ovulation. It is important to appreciate the deed every other day rather than simply within this window. Cutting it too close means either giving or taking. 


While excessive sex can conduct to burnout and a failure of interest in lovemaking during the fertile term, too small sex can also conduct to overlooking the fertile duration, as you might not always be capable of accurately assessing when you are ovulating.


Being Anxious During Intercourse


Your body won't go through its normal procedures if you are stressed out and do not like the activity. There can be a mistake somewhere, causing your body to reject and negate the action. It's crucial that you have fun and allow your instincts to guide you.


Being Worried


When a body is feared, it desires to rest and a mode to relax. Since sexual interaction is a physical act, it interferes with the body's desire. Anything doesn't calm it down; it just makes you angrier and more worn out. In such cases, the body is incapable of supporting a baby's growth inside the uterus.


Going to Restroom Soon After Sex


It is realistic to sense the requirement to clean up once you are done or ease yourself. It is crucial that you don’t run into this but instead remain in bed for a minimum of 20 minutes. It gives the sperm sufficient time to remain in your uterus and go to see the egg. 


It raises the possibility of numerous sperms reaching the fallopian tubes where the egg is discovered and fusing with it. If you are heading into the restroom soon after sex, the sperms have no moment to contact the egg but are drawn out of the body during the wash.


Smoking or Drinking


Smoking or drinking significantly decreases your capability to produce germ cells or eggs in women and sperm in men. Smoking or drinking drags down the body’s capacity to construct wholesome germ cells.


Intense Workout 


The uterus experiences a lot of pressure when you put yourself through demanding training routines, which disturbs the natural cycle and reduces your chances of getting pregnant. You can carry on with your routine, just not as thoroughly. Jog slower than you usually would, or perform a cardio workout with fewer repetitions and stress.




Water ensures that you stay fresh, eliminates all toxins from your body, and regulates your metabolism so it runs smoothly. Your ability to get pregnant may be affected if you are dehydrated.


Medical Disorders


There might also be medical circumstances behind issues in conceiving. Both people in a couple might be impacted by diseases that may cause problems getting expectant. In women, these conditions could be irregular periods, a lower count of eggs, hormonal inequality, anatomical anomalies, prior surgeries, genetic characteristics, etc.


Ovulation Diseases


Some ovulation-related conditions can also cause infertility in women these are - 


  • PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) - Because of hormonal inequalities, an egg is not discharged but rather strives inside the ovaries in the shape of fluid-filled cysts.
  • Hypothalamic Dysfunction - FSH and LH hormones created in the hypothalamus, are reliable for handling the evolution, growth, and discharge of an egg every month. If there are any troubles with these hormones, the proliferative phase gets disturbed.
  • Premature Ovarian Failure - It is a condition where premature eggs are failed in the ovary without ever growing due to an autoimmune disruption, genetic elements, or hormonal reasons.
  • Prolactin’s High Levels - A elevated count of prolactin in the body relieves the production of estrogen which is reliable for the development and expansion of eggs. It might be driven due to medicine or an abnormality in the pituitary gland.
  • Endometriosis - In this disorder, tissue grows in locations other than those where it is expected to. It frequently spreads into the neighborhood. Following surgical repair, the healing process creates scars. In the case of these scars, the fallopian tubes often get blocked. They can prevent a zygote from implanting in the endometrium if they are in the uterus.


Long Use of Birth Controllers


The birth control tablet, also specified for fertility problems such as PCOS or endometriosis, has been connected to fertility problems in some females.




These are environmental toxins that are taken up by the body through the skin. Once ingested, they lower progesterone levels, which lowers fertility. These chemicals are mostly found in plastics, insecticides, emulsifiers in soaps and cosmetics, automotive exhaust, and plastics.




The medications used to treat conditions also have the capability to induce infertility. Some of them include the following:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications
  • neuroleptic cures utilized to cure psychosis
  • spironolactone, a pill assumed to lessen fluid retention


Coeliac Condition


This autoimmune condition is brought on by dietary gluten. Late puberty, irregular menstruation, and an increased risk of childbearing difficulties are all noted as non-gastrointestinal signs of this illness.




The eggs are impacted and die off during this time due to the body's reverberating chemical elements. Before receiving chemotherapy, women can store their eggs in order to implant them later for gestation.


Chronic Medical Ailments


These diseases are those which stay in the body for a prolonged time and disrupt the functioning of the other organs methods in the body.


  • Chronic liver and kidney disorders influence the working of pituitary glands directing to infertility.
  • Cystic fibrosis drives the production of wider cervical mucus which drives it more difficult for the sperm to penetrate the cervix and join the uterus.




Science and practical medicine advancements have led to the synthesis of several therapeutic modalities to address the aforementioned problems. Consult your doctor if you're having trouble conceiving support during these challenging times.

Ravi K Nair
Ravi K Nair
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