October 21, 2022

Major Causes of Ovarian Pain During Pregnancy

5 mins read
Major Causes of Ovarian Pain During Pregnancy

While being pregnant can be a happy and exciting time, it also brings several health issues to the forefront. While some are common and readily managed, others, like abnormal pain, necessitate prompt medical treatment.


Sometimes intense or light cramping in the area around your ovaries occurs, which is known as ovarian pain. This ovary pain might appear on one side of your lower belly or pelvic area. Also, sometimes it might induce pain in the back or thigh.


So you must learn about the significant causes of ovary pain during pregnancy and when you should seek medical help. Thus, this article will convey information about ovarian pain during pregnancy, which might be a reason for stress for many women. So let's begin. 


Is It Normal to Experience Ovarian Pain During Pregnancy?


Discomfortsduring the whole period of pregnancy is not uncommon. Nevertheless, it may be a case of worry if you encounter pain in your ovaries, vaginal region, pelvic region, or stomach. 


No matter which trimester you are in, make sure to see a doctor immediately, especially if you have ovarian pain in the first trimester. Ovarian pain may indicate a dangerous condition such as uterine fibroids, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, or spontaneous abortion.


Major Causes of Ovarian Pain During Pregnancy


Now let's have a look at some of the primary causes of ovarian pain:


Ectopic Pregnancy


Ectopic pregnancy happens when the fertilized egg implants at another spot rather than the uterine lining. Due to the egg's prenatal implantation, this is an extrauterine pregnancy. 


The fallopian tube is where it occurs most frequently, and internal blockages are to blame. The ovaries may not always cause ovarian pain. Because the organs are so close together, it is challenging to pinpoint the source of the pain.


Consult with your doctor instantly to avoid intricacies if you are sensing pain in the left or right ovary. As the embryo grows and extends the tube, it might drive ovary pain during the first trimester of gestation. So it is a medical crisis since it can lead to bleeding and pose severe, life-threatening dangers.


Gallbladder Issues 


The gall bladder is discovered beneath the liver. So it might have a radiating ache to the abdomen, but not standard ovarian pain. Multiple women fail to comprehend this pain and assume it is regular pregnancy pain. You must inform your doctor if you encounter this kind of pain.


Curing gallbladder stones is easy and demands surgery. The physician will give you anaesthesia while surgically terminating the stones. Nevertheless, it is problematic to minister during pregnancy. If the disease or situation is severe, the surgery can be done more securely than in the 2nd trimester.




We know that the appendix serves no purpose and is a vestigial organ. It is situated immediately beneath the long intestine. It may move and invade the pelvic region during gestation, causing pain in the ovaries.


Appendicitis therapy concerns a minor surgical process and demands the use of mild anesthesia. It should be treated before it impacts the child since it can conduct to infection. This kind of pain is generally linked to the right side.




While you are pregnant, your ovaries should not be producing eggs. Nevertheless, they still do so in some women, and the ovaries continue to release eggs, which may cause minor discomfort.


It drives the stake of double pregnancy, and you cannot take birth control medications during this term. Your physician may ask you to utilize a condom while having sex to avert complications.


Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)


Pregnant females are more inclined to urinary tract infections, which might be mistaken for ovarian pain. UTIs can be treated with antibiotic drugs, so your doctor may prescribe you a practice of antibiotics and request you to take proper rest.


Assure to finish this method to eliminate the infection and the discomfort. You also must follow up with your physician to check if the disease is gone.




Ovarian aches during pregnancy might also happen due to a miscarriage. Miscarriage occurs in 25% of the patients and usually in the earliest 21 days. A miscarriage is linked with extreme uterine pain, lasting more than ten days. 




Painful ovarian tumors or fibroids might potentially be another problem. These may cause pain in the pelvic area as well. Producing obstructions can make it difficult for the fertilized egg to implant.


If you are preparing to get expectant, first get checked your uterus by a doctor to ensure it is healthy. Further, Endometriosis, or the abnormal growth of the tissue lining, driving it to push outside the uterus, can also conduct to ovarian pain. 


Stones in Kidney 


You might undergo ovarian pain during pregnancy due to kidney stones. This pain extends from the kidneys to the ovary. You may face a burning sensation while urinating. Further, if you catch the blood in urine, the odds are increased that you have kidney stones. 


Accommodation Ache


All of the pelvic organs begin to make room for the baby as your pregnancy progresses to the eighth to the twelfth week. You may suffer ovarian pain as a result of this reason, which is typical and won't cause you any concern. To accommodate the baby, some muscle cramping is also typical.


Round Ligament Hurt


If you are undergoing ovarian pain in your second trimester, it may be because of the stretching of the ligament from the groin to the womb, known as round ligament pain.


The discomfort worsens when you awake after sleeping or sitting for a prolonged time. You must keep yourself hydrated to decrease this pain to some capacity. Also, this ache has no stake either in you or your child. 


Cyst Twist 


In today's women, PCOS-related cysts have grown quite common and can be excruciatingly painful. Ovarian cysts, whether simple or complex, have the potential to cause torsion. These cysts can be extremely painful to twist. In such a situation, the only treatment option is surgical cyst eradication.


Ovarian Torsion


Ovarian torsion, which can cause extreme pain, is used when the fallopian tubes or the ovary twist. For pregnant women, disrupting the blood supply to the ovaries results in excruciating discomfort.


Placental Detachment


During the third trimester, ovary discomfort is caused by placental abruption, which is the early removal of the placenta from the uterine wall. As the placenta separates and droops from the uterus, it can also result in bleeding and hurt the entire pelvic area.


Preterm Labour


You might feel ovarian pain if you're in danger of early labor. Ovarian pain will result from the uterus contracting, and your doctor will prepare you for early delivery. When you enter labor, the agony is intolerable and spreads throughout your body.




Preeclampsia is an expansion in blood pressure and a shortage in oxygen storage in pregnant women. It can conduct placental abruption.


When Should you Seek the Doctor’s Help?


Following are some of the symptoms that you must look out for and seek a doctor’s help:


  • Severe abdominal ache
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Feeling cold or fever
  • Exhaustion 
  • Nausea  
  • Problem in breathing
  • A throbbing and constant headache
  • Impulsive swelling of the hands or feet
  • Vision modifications
  • A sudden expansion in the belly size 




When you are pregnant, you stand to gain a lot as well as lose a lot. Hence, you must take care of your health. When you feel any pain in your ovaries, please do not risk it. 


See your physician even if you only have a minor health issue because getting help right now can prevent pregnancy difficulties for you and your unborn child.


Contact Antenate and ask to speak with our gynecologist and fertility consultant, Dr. Shesha Sinha, to discover more about infertility, pregnancy difficulties, food, miscarriage, sex life, menstrual concerns, etc.

Ravi K Nair
Ravi K Nair
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