June 30, 2022

Heartburn During Pregnancy: Causes and Treatment

5 mins read
Heartburn During Pregnancy: Causes and Treatment

You could have expected the swollen feet, the morning sickness, and the expanding breasts during your pregnancy. But this indigestion and heartburn? Where did that come from?


Heartburn, as the name suggests, is a burning sensation that begins under your breastbone and moves up your oesophagus, the tube that connects your throat to your abdomen. Even your throat may be affected by these acids.


However, pregnant women no longer need to suffer from heartburn since multiple safe, valuable ways are available to stop it. This article will tell you about the symptoms, causes, and difficulties of heartburn in pregnancy and cures for dealing with it.


Why does Heartburn Occur During Pregnancy?


The burning feeling will not impact your heart but will lead to discomfort for you. Generally, heartburn occurs when food and acid from your abdomen move back into your oesophagus. 


It will not hurt you when the acid remains in your stomach since the cells that constitute the stomach lining are created to store acid and the enzymes that help digestion. Though, the oesophagus lining is more susceptible than the lining of the stomach. 


Hence, when food travels from the stomach back to the oesophagus, it induces irritation that feels like a burning feeling. Additionally, although the burning is in your gastrointestinal (GI) tract, it seems close to your heart; thus, it is called heartburn. Additionally, indigestion and acid reflux are other names for it.


Symptoms of Heartburn 


Heartburn typically happens after having meals, and it’s usually worse at night or when you’re trying to sleep. When the acid moves back into the oesophagus, it can cause the following symptoms.


  • Discomfort in your chest behind the breastbone.
  • A burning sensation might occur near your chest or the back of your throat.
  • A nasty, rotten, or acidic taste might come into your mouth.
  • You may cough frequently.


Heartburn symptoms can either go away in less time or last a few hours. Therefore, talk to your doctor about any burning feeling you are experiencing, so they can find out if it's heartburn. 


Causes of Heartburn 


Numerous body parts undergo different changes during pregnancy, including your digestive system. At this time, your body creates more progesterone and relaxin hormones. 


Progesterone induces your stomach to empty more slowly after you eat while relaxin relaxes the muscle in your body. Hence, these hormones leave the food in the abdomen for an extended period and cause burning feelings.


Further, as your pregnancy progresses, your belly gets more extensive, and your growing uterus starts to pressure your stomach. This pressure can force food particles to travel beyond the weak sphincter and into the oesophagus, which induces heartburn. Moreover, some other reasons that might cause heartburn include: 


  • Overeating
  • Spicy and oily foods
  • Foods that high in fat 
  • Fried meats
  • Citrus-rich fruits and juices
  • Tomatoes
  • Excessive chocolates and coffee
  • Soda or other beverages with carbonation
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Specific medications
  • Tension
  • Weak digestion system


Cures to Prevent Heartburn During Pregnancy


If you're experiencing heartburn, you can do the following things to prevent it and ease the discomfort. 


Eat Smaller Meals in a Day


If you are frequently dealing with burning feelings, you should avoid eating a large quantity at one time; because of this, you might start to feel full.


An extremely stuffed abdomen can lead to heartburn. So, instead of that, you can have smaller meals throughout the day, like you can try to eat five or six smaller ones. 


This way, you will not experience that loaded stomach feeling; you will feel light and reduce the burning sensation. 


Eat Slowly


Gulping your food might cause digestive problems and heartburn. You should sit comfortably and enjoy eating your meals slowly, which also assists you in avoiding overeating. 


Avoid Chugging a Water


You could be better off simply sipping liquids during meals rather than downing a large glass of milk with dinner. Try to consume most of your daily recommended fluid intake between meals rather than at the times of meals.


Do Not Lie Down After Eating


After eating, you can take a short walk, do some housework, or simply sit down and read a book or watch tv. But do not lie down and sit in a reclined position. These activities can lead your food and acid back into your oesophagus.


Never Eat Right Before Sleeping 


You should maintain at least three hours gap between your meal and sleep. So always avoid eating food right before going to bed. 


Sleep with your Chest and Head Slightly Lifted


Placing pillows under your shoulders, lifting the top of your bed with bricks placed under the bed's legs, or purchasing a specific wedge pillow between the mattress and bed frames are the simplest ways to accomplish this.


Avoid Eating Certain Foods 


You should not eat citrus fruits, tomatoes, garlic, onions, caffeine, sodas, and other acidic sustenances. Also, avoid fried or fatty foods, which hinder digestion.


Quit Cigarettes and Alcohol


Substances present in cigarettes and alcohol render the barriers that hold stomach food contents down to rest. It enables unprocessed food and acidic substances to flow upward and cause burning. 


Wear Loose Clothes


Instead of wearing tight clothing, you must opt for loose maternity clothes specifically if you're trying to get rid of heartburn. Tight clothes put more pressure on your already squeezed stomach and could aggravate acid reflux.

Try Antacids after Consulting a Doctor 


After trying all lifestyle changes still, you are going through heartburn; then you can try to have over-the-counter antacids that might suppress your heartburn symptoms. But always have them after consulting your doctor. 


Antacids that include calcium or magnesium are safe to take during pregnancy. You should avoid antacids that have aluminium since they can induce constipation and be harmful at high doses. 


Additionally, your doctor could advise you to take heartburn medications like Tagamet and Prilosec, which are generally considered safe to use while pregnant.


Bottom Line 


While pregnancy experiencing heartburn is common and hurting, once you deliver, your hormone levels will return to normal, and the sparkle should go away.


However, do not worry about it too much; try simple lifestyle changes that are shared in this guide, like eating small meals, avoiding spicy foodstuffs, sleeping with your head and shoulders heightened and more. 


I hope these tips will help you get rid of this condition, and if you feel burning in your stomach after trying all things, immediately consult with your doctor. 


Ravi K Nair
Ravi K Nair
Content Writer
First, a disclaimer – the entire process of writing a blog post often takes more than a couple of hours, even if you can type eighty words per minute and your writing skills are sharp writing a blog post often takes more than a couple.
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